Tuesday, March 4, 2014


We got a bit tired of people (fairly) assuming that Liquid Strings was just a string quartet or a large strings collective.  So finally the time came to divide the string acts from all the other great live event music acts and DJs we work with.

Liquid Musicians is now online and thanks to our wonderfully skilled and practical webdesign team - www.focusnewmedia.co.uk - you can easily navigate from Liquid Strings to Liquid Musicians according to which kind of act you're interested in hiring.

We're going to be adding new acts and are excited to be starting work with some new, non-musicals acts as well, such as a superb magician.

Right off to an event now, but do keep an eye on the site for exciting new acts coming soon!  Happy Pancake Day to all (nutella and banana coming up).

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